I sincerely believe that there is no situation we experience without God's purpose and plan. Even the most intense and emotional situations can equip you for a future work that God has in store for you. Recently I experienced what I considered to be one of the most embarrassing and disappointing moments I have had in years. I was at a place in the experience where I could either be challenged or become defensive. I took the challenge option, but as I walked away I began to reflect on current and past situations of speaking with people in crisis, and comparing them to what I was feeling at the moment. Although I am certain my emotions were not as intense, the feelings of disappointment, regret, and hurt I felt helped me to see their circumstances in a different light. Through my own hurt and disappointment God had created an amazing temporary filter to help me understand and better discern the hurts of those who had recently crossed my path! To the point I am looking forward to speaking with them again and encouraging and guiding them! The prime example of the one who experienced all our hurt, disappointment and anxiety is Jesus. (Heb 4:15) Obviously Jesus got it right every time and remained sinless, but we too can choose to use our times of heightened emotions to see the hand of God and the hurts of others. It sure beats expensive pity parties where you can cry if you want to, but how futile and empty!

Where are you right now? Are you in the midst of hurt, disappointment, anger, maybe even regret? It would be so easy to just succumb to staying bitter or angry, but as a Christian what should your response be? I am not here to simply throw out a hollow cliché such as "If God shuts a door He opens a window." That’s an easy one to say if you are looking at someone from the outside, but I want to challenge you to see your situation differently. See it like Jesus sees it. Use the moments of hurt and disappointment to ask God what He wants you to see. Start using these moments to see and sympathize with the hurts of others more vividly and clearly!

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