
We have many paths to serving in our community. Our breakfast ministry is what we view as part of the "Serve all" stage of our ministry. It is part of our "third step" in becoming part of our family. Our breakfast delivery ministry takes place on Thursday mornings. What is the breakfast ministry? It is a group of people serving the community around us by offering a free breakfast to the homeless, the less fortunate. The group meets early to cook a meal which usually consist of gravy, grits, eggs, biscuits, and some type of meat. 


Ready for a Challenge men? Join our Retired Old Men Eating Out Men - This ministry spends time ministering to the Senior Adults and Widows in our Community and fellowship. They work on special projects throughout the year helping to be the hands and feet of Jesus! Talk about a group that can put away some food? Here they are!

Contact Wayne Joyce  for More information